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TopYo The Top Beta : Review


Having played with a lot of multiple material yoyos such as YoYoJam hybrid yoyos, POM with Stainless Steel rims, bi-metal yoyos even aluminium body and plastic rims. All these are made with 2 materials, one material for the body and a second material for the weight rings. This does make the yoyo play with more rim weight, however when I saw the The Top Beta have 3 materials, you know this is out of the ordinary. Let's dive in to the meat of the review now shall we ?

First impression

This yoyo is very angular, not to the point where it hurts when you catch it, but very V-shaped. On my first throw, it felt super powerful, almost as much as a BerserkerSS. The windup is very powerful if it still has a lot of momentum. My first thought was "this is going to take some time to get used to".


Manufacturer: TopYo

Weight: 64g

Width: 56mm

Diameter: 43mm

Gap width: 4.5mm

Bearing: TopYo 5 cuts Bearing

Gap type: Fixed

Material: 7003 Aluminium, POM, Stainless Steel

Left : Diameter comparison with the Yoyofactory EDGE

Right : Width comparison with the Yoyofactory EDGE


This bi-metal yoyo is angular but not quite. It has a very pronounced V-shape design however, the rims are rounded off which helps with soften when the yoyo hits your hand. The 7003 aluminum body and POM inserts are super nice to the touch, the blasting is super smooth and the POM material complements it by being slick. The hub is glossy which in turn would be quite sticky compared to the catch zone.

Concerning the Stainless Steel rims, they are a bit sticky in comparison to the body, but nothing uncomfortable.

As you can see with the pictures above, the EDGE and the Top Beta have similar diameter, however the EDGE is wider.

You can also notice how angular the shape is compared to the EDGE.

On a throw

As I mentionned in the first impression, this throw is powerful.

When you throw it, you can feel when it hits the end of the string not as heavily as say a DV888, but not light either.

It is a little bit of a reluctant mover if you're used to playing with light monometals, in my case the C3yoyodesign Radius and Krown. Even compared to the EDGE, this plays "heavier" due to all the weight being pushed to the rim. After some time of getting used to, I was able to manage on executing my fast combos with lots of spin time to spare.

Handles horizontal like a breeze, even some of my usual horizontal combos which changes the axis after a certain time stay on plane, this in my opinion seems to be thanks to the POM inserts in the middle.

Final thoughts

To me, this is a bi-metal yoyo that you will want to get if you want some nice colors, like V-Shaped yoyos, want a bi-metal for less than 70€ with nice quality material. You will be quite happy with this model, but if you are looking for let's say, something super floaty and/or more organic, you might want to check on other models, such as the Krown or Radius from C3yoyodesign or the EDGE from Yoyofactory.

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